RESTORATIVE-YIN YOGA involves supported body/mind relaxation. This is gentle, gentle yoga that promotes deep relaxation for stress reduction while also stretching and rehabilitating connective tissue.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Yoga can be everything

Yoga can be sequences of postures with folks trying to make sure you are in alignment. In the "good old, older archaic" days in India, yoga may be associated with child-stealing militants--not unlike modern militant groups that worked for various kingdoms as roughen killers.

So what is yoga to you?  Is it an exercise class with spiritual overtones, opening your heart and space and entering the light so to speak?  Is it hot, power, goat-assisted, done in an art museum or beer garden, or what?????

A list of sanskrit-coated asanas?

A free-standing head-stand or, potentially, a #four level seated twist?  Are you now a real yogi?  Do you have stickers--sort of like marital art colored belts, on your mat?

This sort of yoga is likely more destructive-- a sort of global warming gone critical on a rubber mat.

You will definitely find group support, which is probably what yoga today offers.

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